

Who hides behind «se»?

We may wonder what kinds of initiators are referentially defocused through "se", that is, whom speakers intend to ‘hide’ through reflexive constructions – and for what reasons. The paper “La interpretación referencial del iniciador en las construcciones desfocalizadoras con se: análisis del discurso de la prensa digital” by Miguel A. Aijón Oliva, just published in Lengua y Habla, discusses the possible referential interpretations of this participant with passive and impersonal "se" in a corpus of local digital news and readers’ comments to them.
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We blend so you displace

The research paper “It can be us or you. The desubjectification of viewpoint through person choice in Spanish oral and written media discourse”, by Miguel A. Aijón Oliva, will be published in an upcoming issue of Journal of Pragmatics. The latter is currently among the highest-ranked international journals devoted to studies of language and communication.

The paper analyzes and compares two discursive uses of Spanish grammatical persons whereby both direct participants ‒ the speaker and the addressee / audience ‒ are included within the reference, namely the audience-inclusive plural first person (1stPl) and the speaker-inclusive singular second person (2ndSg). Constructed examples (1) and (2) illustrate their use …

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