

Who hides behind «se»?

We may wonder what kinds of initiators are referentially defocused through "se", that is, whom speakers intend to ‘hide’ through reflexive constructions – and for what reasons. The paper “La interpretación referencial del iniciador en las construcciones desfocalizadoras con se: análisis del discurso de la prensa digital” by Miguel A. Aijón Oliva, just published in Lengua y Habla, discusses the possible referential interpretations of this participant with passive and impersonal "se" in a corpus of local digital news and readers’ comments to them.
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Why passives are – or are not – used in Spanish

The article “Grammatical coding and the discursive construction of participants: Spanish passives in written press news discourse”, by Miguel A. Aijón Oliva, has just been published online in "Transactions of the Philological Society". It presents a comparative analysis of the two main Spanish constructions that are usually characterized as passive: the attributive and the reflexive one.
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